Books & Patterns by Bloc Loc
Rulers/Templates by Bloc Loc
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle Ruler 3.5 - HST-3.5
Half-Square Triangles And Beyond Volume 2
Half-Square Triangles And Beyond Volume 1
Half Square Triangle Ruler - BLOC-LOC - HST4.5
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler Set 7 - FG-SET7
Bloc Loc - Kite in a Square 4” x 4” - KIS-4
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle 5.5 - HST-5.5
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 - HST-3.5
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 2 x 4" - FG-2x4
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 1" x 2" - FG-1x2
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 1/2" x 1" - FG-.5x1
Bloc Loc - Diamond in a Triangle 3in - DIT-3
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 5 x 10 - FG-5X10
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 2 1/8 x 4 1/4" - FG-2.125x4.25
Bloc Loc - Flying Geese Ruler 2 1/4 x 4 1/2" - FG-2.25x4.5
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle Ruler 8.5 - HST-8.5
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle Ruler 4.5 - HST-4.5
Bloc Loc - Bloomin Cogwheel Book with 4 Blade Set (BC-4B)
Bloc Loc - Kaleidoscope Heaven - CQB-KH
Bloc Loc - Drunkards Path Set 2, 2x4 - DP-2 1-2x4
Bloc Loc - Drunkards Path Set 3x3 - DP-3
Bloc Loc - Triangle in Square on Point 3 X 3 - TISOP-3
Bloc Loc - Log Cabin Ruler 1/4" & 3/8" - LC2.5 _3.75
Bloc Loc - Triangle in Square on Point 2 X 2 - TISOP-2
Bloc Loc - Diamond In A Triangle 2 in - DIT-2
Bloc Loc - Log Cabin Ruler 1/2" & 1" - LC.5_1
Bloc Loc - Pineapple Ruler 1/2" & 1" - PN-.5&1
Bloc Loc - Pineapple Ruler 3/4" & 1-1/2' - PN-.75&1.5
Bloc Loc - Half Square Triangle Ruler 1.5 - HST-1.5
Bloc Loc - Diamond In A Triangle 4 in - DIT-4